Then she decided to take off- full force speed here. She is at that stage where she thinks she is SO much faster than I. She will run as hard as she can giggling the whole way , then I catch her and she squeals with excitement, which in return gets me tickled. HA!
I really liked the Bamboo trees- great for shade in the middle of summer.
Sadie thought they were neat too.
First look at some bright blue birds. I was kinda glad they were so easy to see for Sadie's sake!
I have decided that since our fish died-maybe we should get a bird!
Daddy looks awfully loaded down here but he was such a trooper. Zoos in general are not his thing but he never complained about going and he seemed to enjoy carrying Sadie throughout the day and helping with the stroller :)
MONKEYS! Sadie liked them too. It was neat because they would move across and swing on the branches
Air Conditioning!!! Yay- what a blessing to have, I can't tell you how many times we walked back to the center of the park to waltz into the gift shop because it was Cool! hah While we were there of course we met a pretty neat guy...... his name...unknown but we had to take him home with us. He was half off and mommy is a bargain shopper so he was Sold!
Did I mention he ROARS.........
and loves little feet with ten tiny toes?
Look at the sweat-whew!
this little thing popped up!
Before we got a little closer to them we looked at a sample of real Meerkat hair and I let Sadie feel it. reminded me of one of those baby hard cover touch and feel books only this version was "real."
Then we were off to the tunnels. I never gave this a second thought. I just figured it would be neat to be really close to them and there were no signs that denoted specific height qualifications so.... I gave it a run and we bent down to go in. Even Sadie had to duck her head.
She was so scared to go in what had to feel like a cave but a little coaxing goes a long way.
Then there was the approval once we were in!
Iguagnas. I have to admit amphibians are NOT my favorite- I don't like creepy, crawly, leggy, scaley cold things what so ever. My skin was literally crawling in here. Even though it was air conditioned, I was ready to go in a matter of a few minutes but I bared it and stayed to look at everything.
Now, I don't mind fish. Sadie shares that same passion with me. These little fish she liked and didn't mind being close to the glass but when we reached the fish that were larger than herself- she was done and crawling back into our arms!
There was a penny machine where we were able to make a souvenir penny with an elephant on it for her scrapbook:)
This was the only animal Sadie didn't mind being close to, I guess because it was eating quite furiously and that caught her attention. They had a stare down match. I think it thought Sadie was going to eat it's dinner.
These were the tanks she was timid around. I have to say, the fist in these were Huge and so not colorful.......
However, I did find it a plus that they were toddler friendly in size and eye level for her to see without having to be held up.
Excitement reins when it comes to fish!
One of the prettiest polka dotted rays I have ever seen :)
On our way back to the "real" zoo animals, Sadie wanted to carry my wallet. It serves as a great miniture wallet for toddler sized hands. She likes to carry what appears to be purses lately but if you give her an actual purse she won't carry it. Give this girl a make-up bag, wallet, etc. and she is a happy girl.
Big Girl
This was cute, she would run across the bridge then turn at the sound of unfamiliar voices coming her way and run the other way.
I usually think my husband in comparison to myself is pretty big but next to a elephant skull he looks pretty tiny.
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