Friday, August 6, 2010

Cookie Monster!

Sadie has definitely found and new love for something and it's called an "Oreo."
They can not be left alone without disappearing with the leftovers in crumbles :)
Look at that toy tornado that hit tonight! She leaves a path from one end to the next. She really likes getting into the DVD stand lately. She will pull all of them out if you let her!
Tonight we decided to have pizza. This would be a first at our house but not a first for Sadie. Her babysitter said she loves the cheese pizze they have had this week :)
Pizza doesn't look as appetizing when it's been cut into baby chunks! I took off the onions and green peppers.
Her first bite didn't seem as exciting as I had thought it would be. I think the sauce is different.
She ended up eating mainly the crust and cheese.
I decided this week to start one of Beth Moore's bible studies, Esther. I am excited to get started and looking forward to the messages the Lord has for me through this study :) As you may have noticed, Sadie got her little oreo fingers smeared onto the pages.
I think I may sit down to read this page tonight to see if it is a riveting sign of something I need to read now! HA! God obviously had it marked for a reason :)